Maximize Caregiver Productivity with Amba

We empower caregivers to efficiently and effectively meet the needs of seniors by giving them the information they need exactly when they need it. Amba clients can increase caregiver productivity by up to 40%.

“I have not seen anything in my career that has what Amba has. It’s a game-changer”

Kristen Parsons, Executive Director, Tiffany Village Retirement Communities

How  Amba  Works

Amba sensors passively gather information from a small number of standard health, wellbeing and safety products in your seniors rooms, monitoring sleep, activity, safety, medication and nutrition. By displaying each senior on an easy to use dashboard, carers are better informed and alerted to possible issues in real time, enabling greater productivity and removing unnecessary tasks.

Contact:  [email protected]

“Amba eases the stress and the workload for nursing staff the care team and the families”

Executive Director

“As a nurse, Amba eases my workload, it eases my stress level, I would highly recommend Amba”

Nurse & Resident Care Manager

“Before I even go and see my residents I have a glimpse into their night, their day, their needs.”

Recreation Coordinator

Reducing caregiver turnover and boosting morale

Carers love Amba as it reduces burnout from physical and emotional tasks. The Amba dashboard allows carers to operate more efficiently by enabling them to intervene ahead of time, avoiding situations where residents have fallen or suffered with incontinence.

Contact:  [email protected]

Care providers already maximizing their  Caregiver Productivity

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